During migration, you should write tests to verify that the behaviour of your provider has not been altered by the migration itself. You will also need to update your tests too.
Testing Migration
During migration, we recommend writing tests to verify that switching from SDKv2 to the Framework has not affected your provider's behavior. These tests use identical configuration. The first test step applies a plan and generates state with the SDKv2 version of the provider. The second test step generates a plan with the Framework version of the provider and verifies that the plan is a no-op, indicating that migrating to the framework has not altered behaviour.
Use the ExternalProviders
field within a resource.TestStep
to specify the configuration of a specific provider to
use during each test step. You can specify a version of the provider built on SDKv2 during the first test step, and
then you can use the version of the provider built on the Framework in subsequent test step(s) to verify that Terraform
CLI does not detect any planned changes.
You must also update the provider factories to use the Framework.
This example shows how you can use external providers to generate a state file with a previous version of the provider and then verify that there are no planned changes after migrating to the Framework.
- The first
to causeterraform apply
to execute with a previous version of the provider, which is built on SDKv2. - The second
so that the test uses the provider code contained within the http provider repository. The second step also usesPlanOnly
to verify that a no-op plan is generated.
func TestDataSource_UpgradeFromVersion(t *testing.T) {
/* ... */
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
ExternalProviders: map[string]resource.ExternalProvider{
"<provider>": {
VersionConstraint: "<sdk_version>",
Source: "hashicorp/<provider>",
Config: `data "provider_datasource" "example" {
/* ... */
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("data.provider_datasource.example", "<attribute>", "<value>"),
/* ... */
ProtoV5ProviderFactories: protoV5ProviderFactories(),
Config: `data "provider_datasource" "example" {
/* ... */
PlanOnly: true,
Provider Factories
Existing tests should require minimal updates when migrating from SDKv2 to the Framework. The only critical change relates to the provider factories that create the provider during the test case. Refer to Acceptance Tests - Specify Providers in the Framework documentation for details.
We also recommend writing tests that verify that switching from SDKv2 to the Framework has not affected provider behavior. Refer to Testing Migration for details.
In SDKv2, you use the ProviderFactories
field on the resource.TestCase
struct to obtain schema.Provider
The following example shows a test written in SDKv2.
resource.UnitTest(t, resource.TestCase{
ProviderFactories: testProviders(),
In the Framework, use either the ProtoV5ProviderFactories
or ProtoV6ProviderFactories
field on the
struct to obtain the provider.Provider
, depending on the
Terraform Plugin Protocol version your provider is using.
The following example shows how you can write a test in the Framework for a Provider that uses protocol version 6.
resource.UnitTest(t, resource.TestCase{
ProtoV6ProviderFactories: protoV6ProviderFactories(),
The following code sample shows how to define provider factories within a test case when using SDKv2.
func TestDataSource_Exmple(t *testing.T) {
/* ... */
resource.UnitTest(t, resource.TestCase{
ProviderFactories: testProviders(),
/* ... */
The following shows how to generate provider factories when using SDKv2.
func testProviders() map[string]func() (*schema.Provider, error) {
return map[string]func() (*schema.Provider, error){
"example": func() (*schema.Provider, error) { return New(), nil },
The following shows how to define provider factories within a test case when using the Framework.
func TestDataSource_Example(t *testing.T) {
/* ... */
resource.UnitTest(t, resource.TestCase{
ProtoV5ProviderFactories: protoV5ProviderFactories(),
/* ... */
The following shows how to generate provider factories when using
the Framework. The call to New
returns an instance of the provider. Refer to
Provider Definition in this guide for details.
func protoV5ProviderFactories() map[string]func() (tfprotov5.ProviderServer, error) {
return map[string]func() (tfprotov5.ProviderServer, error){
"example": providerserver.NewProtocol5WithError(New()),