State Upgraders
Note: The Plugin Framework is in beta.
When you update a resource's implementation in your provider, some changes may not be compatible with old versions. You can create state upgraders to automatically migrate resources provisioned with old schema configurations. Refer to State Upgrade in the Framework documentation for details.
This page explains how to migrate resource StateUpgraders
in SDKv2 to UpgradeState
in the plugin Framework.
In SDKv2, state upgraders are defined by populating the StateUpgraders
field on the schema.Resource
struct. Refer
to State Migration in the SDKv2 documentation for details.
The following code shows a basic implementation of the stateUpgraders
field in SDKv2.
func resourceExample() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
StateUpgraders: []schema.StateUpgrader{
Version: int,
Type: cty.Type,
Upgrade: StateUpgradeFunc,
/* ... */
In the Framework, you implement the ResourceWithUpgradeState
interface on your resource to upgrade your
resource's state when required.
The following code shows how you define an UpgradeState
function with the Framework.
func (r *resourceExample) UpgradeState(context.Context) map[int64]resource.StateUpgrader {
return map[int64]resource.StateUpgrader{
0: {
PriorSchema: *tfsdk.Schema,
StateUpgrader: func(context.Context, UpgradeStateRequest, *UpgradeStateResponse),
/* ... */
The UpgradeState
function returns a map from state versions to structs that implement state upgrade from the given
version to the latest version.
Migration Notes
Remember the following differences between SDKv2 and the Framework when completing the migration.
- In SDKv2, you implement state upgraders populating the
field on theschema.Resource
struct. In the Framework, you define anUpgradeState
function on the resource itself. - In SDKv2, state upgraders apply each state upgrader in turn. For example, version 0 => version 1, version 1 =>
version 2. In the Framework, each
function is required to perform all of the necessary transformations in a single step. For example, version 0 => version 2, version 1 => version 2.
The following examples show how to migrate portions of the random provider.
For a complete example, clone the
repository and compare the resource_password.go
file in
with v3.4.1.
In SDKv2 the schema.Resource
struct has a StateUpgraders
field that holds []schema.StateUpgrader
The following example from the resource_password.go
file shows the state upgrade functions for the random_password
resource with SDKv2.
func resourcePassword() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Schema: passwordSchemaV2(),
SchemaVersion: 2,
StateUpgraders: []schema.StateUpgrader{
Version: 0,
Type: resourcePasswordV0().CoreConfigSchema().ImpliedType(),
Upgrade: resourcePasswordStateUpgradeV0,
Version: 1,
Type: resourcePasswordV1().CoreConfigSchema().ImpliedType(),
Upgrade: resourcePasswordStringStateUpgradeV1,
/* ... */
The following example shows the implementation of the resourcePasswordStateUpgradeV0
function with SDKv2.
func resourcePasswordStateUpgradeV0(_ context.Context, rawState map[string]interface{}, _ interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
if rawState == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource password state upgrade failed, state is nil")
result, ok := rawState["result"].(string)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource password state upgrade failed, result is not a string: %T", rawState["result"])
hash, err := generateHash(result)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource password state upgrade failed, generate hash error: %w", err)
rawState["bcrypt_hash"] = hash
return rawState, nil
The following shows the same section of provider code after the migration.
This code implements the ResourceWithUpgradeState
interface on the passwordResource
type by defining an
function. The UpgradeState
function returns a map from each state version (int64) to a
func (r *passwordResource) UpgradeState(context.Context) map[int64]resource.StateUpgrader {
schemaV0 := passwordSchemaV0()
schemaV1 := passwordSchemaV1()
return map[int64]resource.StateUpgrader{
0: {
PriorSchema: &schemaV0,
StateUpgrader: upgradePasswordStateV0toV2,
1: {
PriorSchema: &schemaV1,
StateUpgrader: upgradePasswordStateV1toV2,
This code implements the upgradePasswordStateV0toV2
state upgrade function.
func upgradePasswordStateV0toV2(ctx context.Context, req resource.UpgradeStateRequest, resp *resource.UpgradeStateResponse) {
type modelV0 struct {
ID types.String `tfsdk:"id"`
Keepers types.Map `tfsdk:"keepers"`
Length types.Int64 `tfsdk:"length"`
Special types.Bool `tfsdk:"special"`
Upper types.Bool `tfsdk:"upper"`
Lower types.Bool `tfsdk:"lower"`
Number types.Bool `tfsdk:"number"`
MinNumeric types.Int64 `tfsdk:"min_numeric"`
MinUpper types.Int64 `tfsdk:"min_upper"`
MinLower types.Int64 `tfsdk:"min_lower"`
MinSpecial types.Int64 `tfsdk:"min_special"`
OverrideSpecial types.String `tfsdk:"override_special"`
Result types.String `tfsdk:"result"`
var passwordDataV0 modelV0
resp.Diagnostics.Append(req.State.Get(ctx, &passwordDataV0)...)
if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() {
passwordDataV2 := passwordModelV2{
Keepers: passwordDataV0.Keepers,
Length: passwordDataV0.Length,
Special: passwordDataV0.Special,
Upper: passwordDataV0.Upper,
Lower: passwordDataV0.Lower,
Number: passwordDataV0.Number,
Numeric: passwordDataV0.Number,
MinNumeric: passwordDataV0.MinNumeric,
MinUpper: passwordDataV0.MinUpper,
MinLower: passwordDataV0.MinLower,
MinSpecial: passwordDataV0.MinSpecial,
OverrideSpecial: passwordDataV0.OverrideSpecial,
Result: passwordDataV0.Result,
ID: passwordDataV0.ID,
hash, err := generateHash(passwordDataV2.Result.Value)
if err != nil {
passwordDataV2.BcryptHash.Value = hash
diags := resp.State.Set(ctx, passwordDataV2)